I promoted tirelessly and we did a huge push during the weekend of the geeky sci-fi slash anime slash horror slash comic slash gaming slash GAH convention Fan Expo, which is a smaller version of San Diego Comic Con (and the biggest of its kind we currently have in Canada).
The show last year was a Star Trek versus Star Wars burlesque battle, Babes in Space: The Force, The Federation, The Fornication, sold out the Rivoli. I had to turn people away at the door! Despite my headliner cancelling an hour before curtain time (who does that?!) and a host of other insanity-causing issues leading up to the show (co-producing six shows, the convention itself, random variables that come about from trying to heard
So I'm doing it again!
This year Babes in Space: The Wrath of Thong will be holding two nights (August 28th and September 1st) at Revival Nightclub in Toronto, Ontario.
I've gone bigger, and even better than last year!
Here's the trailer below, and stay tuned for performer features over the next few days!
Tickets are available online at: http://babesinspace2.eventbrite.com and I highly suggest you purchase them in advance if you plan on coming. There's an online discount (only $20! $25 at the door) and you're guaranteed a seat!
Me and some lovely ladies will be at Fan Expo again over the coming weekend, August 25-28th promoting the event. Come find us in Artists Alley 229 and pick up some tickets, pasties, and a boozey cupcake or two!
See you there!
~ Red Herring
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