Kenneth. I told you he was Dashing. Photo by Tina Olah
The duration of the convention saw me seated beside the beautiful Emi Joy Lim, of the webseries Trapped in Terra, and Todd Clark of the Toronto Steampunk Society. Hilariously, Emi recognized me from an audition I did for the webseries way back when I first moved to Toronto. Seems the character I auditioned for is coming up in this season. Hmm...will I get a callback?
Todd is just dashing. He certainly helped pimp out our wonderfully alcoholic cupcakes, made by the same Brook Alviano that spends hours sewing the amazing costumes that Obskyura and I (among others) remove.
Below is a photo after my performance. Clearly, I have been photobombed.
No, I'm not wearing anything behind that fan.
Costume by 3B Artistry
Kristen Thoms, pictured below, was my saviour and glorious companion for the convention. She may or may not have used that gun, and her feminine wiles, to pander cupcakes like the fiend she is. Look out for her bits on stage, if I have any say in the matter.
~ Red Herring
* Not his actual title. Should be, however.
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