Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Babes in Space - Reviews and Reflection!

Babes in Space has come and gone again. For those who don't know (how could you not?) Babes in Space is my yearly Star Trek vs Star Wars burlesque show. For the last two years we've run double shows, which I've discovered is actually much easier and more fulfilling than running a single show!

El Toro, Kinky Biskit, and Charlie Quinn as Ewoks
This year the theme was 3-DD and I like to think we entertained in ALL dimensions! With singing, dancing, ewoks, cupcakes, aerialists, and some high profile audience members (like Playboy illustrator Doug Sneyd!) it was a packed show both nights!

Daytona Bitch as Princess Leia
 This show has always been plagued with controversy, duplicates, and last minute 'Augh' factors...and this year was no different. The biggest hurdle this year was trying to figure out whether the show would have its customary booth at FanExpo, Toronto's largest nerd convention. Despite registration back in January, I didn't actually know if I had a table until a few weeks before the show. Luckily, I was able to share a space with The Comic Book Lounge, since despite my early registration I apparently did NOT have a position.

Coco Framboise as Uhura
The convention went well, despite the fact that the late notice meant I had no actualy merchandise beyond some prints and pasties to sell at the table. We sell a lot of tickets at the convention, but unfortunately that doesn't go towards covering the high table cost! It goes straight to production costs and performer pay.

That being said, the success of the show always makes the hurdles of putting it on worth it.

Nasty Canasta as Darth Vader
I had the privilege of booking Nasty Canasta, one of NYC's biggest (and most hilarious) performers. Nasty had been incredibly welcoming in my July trip to NYC (despite being under the weather and very busy) and I was happy to have her and her Darth Vader booty on my stage.
Here's a few shots from the show, and a video with clips and  reviews from the first night!

And a review from the wonderful of Moony on Theatre:

What I was expecting is top-notch dancing with imaginative, lascivious, if not humorously sexual, choreography. This is precisely what I got. 

The whole group!
Melody Merlot as an Orion Slave Girl

Percy Katt as Captain Picard
Charlie Quinn as a Storm Trooper

~ Red

1 comment:

  1. OMG! That show was rockin' and Oh! So sexy!! I saw it on the Thursday! Loved every second of it! Ms. Canasta was awesome! I didn't know her until Babes in Space, but my god she rocked! I just wish the aerialist hadn't been there again. Her act was the same in a different costume and contraption - a little underwhelming especially when compared to the rest of the smokin', rockin', sexy and beautiful acts the show offered!! 10 thumbs up!!


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