I admit to having a favourite amongst their writers: Beatrix von Bourbon.
Beatrix von Bourbon (c) Rod Penn
She's sexy, sassy, and knows her shit, so when she put out a call looking for photos for one of her upcoming articles, I jumped at the chance and clobbered her DM box with pictures of myself scantily clad in a comic book store. That article has now gone live: Doing Your Research - Part 2
Red Herring by Craig Cochrane at Dragon Lady Comics **
This is how I shop for comics.
Check out 21st Century Burlesque and take a gander at what they have to offer. I barely scratch the surface here at chez blog. Over there you can dive into a world of rhinestones.
~ Red Herring
* Boob Coma - as coined by someone much more experienced in the burlesque world than I, is when you've seen so much burlesque, and so much boob, that boobs thereby lose their meaning, and despite the quality and excitement of the acts you end up slack jawed and possibly drooling from mammary overload.
** Keep an eye out for a special post on Craig Cochrane, an excellent photographer whom I adore more than possibly healthy.
Congratulations! That is quite an honor :)