Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Red Herring Burlesque - SCANDALOUS!

Pardon me while I come down from the high, hustle, and bustle of producing. How will I ever survive without the adrenaline rush?

Oh no wait, I've got a show next week. No worries. (Gah!)

SCANDALOUS! Tabloid themed burlesque was this past Sunday at Revival Nightclub here in chilly Toronto. It was my first real foray into co-producing, with the lovely Toni Wallachy of Pink Panther Studios, as well as my first show under associate producers Les Coquettes.

It was also hilarious and potentially illegal in the Good Times factor.

Here's the pre-show trailer by Spanish Fly Films, to remind you:

And here's a picture by the previously mentioned wonderful Toni, who ran a workshop on live event photography during the show.

Me! Red Herring by Orangeroads Photography
 Here are a few photos below while we wait on the edited shots from the whole shebang!

Brook Alviano, our merch girl and costume designer

Bianca Boom Boom and Charlie Quinn as our Raffle Girls

Our aerialist JD Spark gets stretchy backstage

Mahogany Storm of Boylesque TO works on his strut.

Mark Boyer of 3BArtistry does some primping

Mahogany Storm and Les Coquettes/Boylesque TO's Dew Lily discuss perfectly mundane things.

Obskyura gets ready for her impressive-as-hell 15foot red carpet act.

More photos and recap coming soon! Now to prep for Reveal Me at the Rivoli, April!


Friday, March 16, 2012

The Rules: Be the Perfect Date - by Elle Persephone

You may remember the gorgeous and witty Elle Persephone. from a previous blog series: Top 3 Tips for Women Doing The Rules for Online Dating. If you haven't read this three-part guide for ladies on how to use The Rules of dating, you should. Go on, I'll wait.

Makeup by Mark Boyer of 3BArtistry, Photo by Kenneth Lam

Elle has been continung to track the trials and tribulations of hunting down an acceptable man over on her blog. I definitely reccomend reading it, for both men and women (single or taken), not only because she's gorgeous, but because she's just the right amount of honest and brutal. 

Recently she added a wonderful guide for the men, outlining how to be the perfect Rules date. Here's a little blurb, but go on and click through to read the whole she-bang!

How to Be The Perfect Rules Date 

 While I cover how to get a date in “Here’s a Tip For the Fellas, too”, I did not cover what to do once you are in situ. Here - as a special (french) kiss to all my male readers - are tips for men on how to be the perfect Rules date...

Learn all you can, boys!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Burlesque Producing 101

Ok, so I've been asked a few tims how I manage to produce the shows that I do.

I found a few pieces that explain what it is I actually do between productions. Take a look.

And for clarification, a video:

See? Now you know!*

* I may actually publish a real blog with some tips. But seriously, all cats were showgirls or drag queens in a past life.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Burlesque Performers! - Strip Search Toronto is Back!

Ladies and gentlemen, and those resolutely refusing to be classified as neither (scoundrels and strumpets!) Toronto's Strip Search competition is back!

 Though they skipped a year, they've returned strong, and if you're a new performer you're really going to want to get in on this chance to ROCKET to stardom like Trixi Jones, the previous Strip Search winner! Past Strip Search competitiors include Obskyura, Dew Lily and Miss dd Starr! All have gone on to become well known names in our community and beyond! Follow in their glittery footsteps. I compel you.

I've included the event information and application below, kindly stolen from our community staple, the Canadian Wolfman!

The Toronto Burlesque Festival Presents:
Sunday April 1st at The Revival Nightclub
783 College Street, Doors at 7pm, Show at 8pm.  

Performer Application

(IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to participate in Strip Search Toronto, you
must have only been performing in Burlesque since no earlier than June
1, 2010. Contest open to Ontario residents only.)  

Stage name:
Phone Number to be best reached at:
Have you ever performed a live burlesque act?
If so, when and at what show was your first performance?
Have you performed in any subsequent shows? Give brief details.
Why do you want to take part in Strip Search?
How long have you been going to burlesque shows as an audience member?
Give details of your general performance and/or dance background, if any (i.e. theatre experience, dance classes, etc.):
Musical Selection (if applicable):
a) Name of song you are using:
b) Artist:
c) Length of act:

* Please provide a description of your act. Include information on your
costume, mood of the routine, any gimmicks or props, the plot/storyline
of your act or anything else you think is important to share. If you
are altering your number from a video you have attached, please let us
know of the planned changes. We will be using this information to help
craft the show so that your act has maximum impact, in the event that
you are selected to compete.
*Please provide the URL to a video of your act, IF you have one (we understand that many new performers may not have this )

*Are there other people involved in your routine? This includes people
in walk-on roles. Please list both stage and real names here, if any:

*What are your technical requirements for this number, in terms of
clean-up and set-up? Be especially specific and thorough about what you
require for stage set-up.
Please e-mail applications to Canadian Wolfman at and be SURE to attach a photo of yourself.

My monthly show Reveal Me at the Rivoli is all about supporting and integrating new performers into our community. I believe in giving my Virgin Vixens a solid start, and Strip Search is definitely a step in the right direction!

I'll be there at the show April 1st to cheer on all of the newcomers, and I hope you will too!

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