Let me tell you, the act Trixi Jones and I did for this show had one hell of a dramatic lead up.
Rehearsals were a chaos to organize, and Trixi Jones (my dance partner) moved, and then moved again (through no fault of her own), and then a bajillion more things went boom in the way they tend to do when one has a deadline. But when we got there? They went BOOM again, but this time in caps! The show was a rockin' success, as most anything produced by theOriginalface.ca is, and from the get-go the performers did The King proud!
Lily Lemonpie was a good wife gone bad in her sad tale of lust and dirty laundry. Of course, she gets even. But seriously, who would cheat on that? For shame!
Steve Winchester wow'd the crowd and ate a peanut butter, banana, newspaper sandwich! After slicing the bana with a razor he helt with his tongue. That's right. Oh, and the blowtorch.
Miranda Tempest did a wonderful aerial act on the hoop, and performed a few tricks I haven't seen in Toronto yet. She's fabulous, and rather fetching, and (as confirmed in the dressing room) a huge nerd. She might just be one of my favourite people, so keep your eyes open for us working together in the future. You know, sci-fi...nerdy...burlesquey...spacey future*
Me and Mrs. Jones (ha!) busted out of jail, and then busted out of our clothes to Jailhouse Rock.
By far, one of my favourite Elvis songs, it was also a hilarious routine to rehearse with the wonderful Trixi. Anything involving handcuffs, jumpsuits, and her face in my boobs? Awesome.

We may be performing this act again pretty soon. My manicured fingers are crossed!
The photos here, the one to my right being one of my favourites of the night, were taken by the immesly talented Chris Suppa. I may have accosted him in the lobby of my building one day, and invited him to my apartment.
"I live in ###, come down and talk to me when you're done."
In retrospect, this was incredibly random and suggestive, on my part. He seemed a bit confused by the whole thing.
None the less, Chris ended up photographing the show and taking some amazing images. He's a pro to work with, and it was great to hear the point of view of an artist unfamiliar with burlesque.
Above is one of the images he captured. Obskyura is a force of nature. She is one of Toronto's most innovative and creative and...and chiffon covered performers. This act was to Devil in Disguise, and had some very defined character roles going on, not to mention the hilarity of the final reveal. Epic. There were people on their feet. I would call her style performance art with burlesque. This girl needs to go to New York.
Worst thing? The poor lady was feeling under the weather, and still pulled off a performance of that magnitude. I've gotta step it up!
The night ended with a hilarious visit. These wonderful People of the Law were there for an entirely non-burlesque reason (unlike my last encounter with the law) and were very quick to single out us poor jailbirds!
Clearly we rocked the jailhouse a little too hard!
* I may be hinting at something here.
I saw the show and it was awesome!
ReplyDeleteBut please, please, please don't work with Miranda Tempest in future! I've seen her at this show and at Cir-q-lar's Valentine Ball and in both her performances were dull and lackluster. She does not understand performances. She is so boring in comparison to you. I love you and your work... please don't hurt your performances by teeming up with her, let her fall on her own.
A sincere fan.